BBFI NCPO - My Outlook for the BBF

Dan Greer, Vice President (NCPO)
Community Baptist - The Woodlands, TX

The infrastructure of the BBFI lends itself to extraordinary potential in it’s network of pastors, global missionaries, schools and ministries--but the thing that may be lacking is a cohesive unifying effort to drive momentum. The initial success of the movement was a passion for evangelism and church planting apart from centralized organization. Young leaders were merely going into areas, winning people and building congregations which resulted in unprecedented numbers of conversions, baptisms and new church plants. Drawing upon this common fervor they collectively built one of the strongest church planting organizations in the country.

During the past few decades, church consolidations and closures have caused a dramatic drop in the national church count which is obviously reflected in our culture. One source reports that 4,000 churches close their doors annually, 3,500 people leave the church every day and currently there are one-third fewer churches in the U. S. than in 1950. However, there is a resurgence of enthusiasm deep within our movement that conveys promise. Once again there are young couples in the ranks that have discovered advanced techniques and processes that have proven highly effective in our post-Christian culture. Assessment, training, coaching, mentoring and funding are not just buzz words--they are the critical essentials needed in an era of runaway technology and complicated communication platforms.

After having been recently elected as the vice president of the Evangelism and Home Missions division of the BBFI, I have been contacted by several highly skilled church planters that are eager to come on board and help our Fellowship to again become a leader in the revitalization of church planting in America. My vision is to create a task force that will penetrate various regions of the country setting up several assessment and coaching opportunities to maximize the success rate of those in whom we invest.

I am looking to the Evangelism and Home Missions Committee (Directors) for a continued high level of commitment and proactivity as we push forward. It is my hope that several new directors will be added to the committee. There seems to be a consensus among current committee members and potential task force participants for rebranding, renaming and redirecting that will become a catalyst to attract additional leaders into our effort.

I am pleased that Dr. John Gross was brought on board as the National Director of the organization because of his extensive skills and impeccable reputation. John has been a leader in recruitment, mentoring, support and fund raising for countless men starting new churches. Already he is drawing new young church planters into our network while at the same time reaching out to seasoned men that have been faithful to the movement over the years. From where I sit, the future looks promising with the formation of a team that can lead our Fellowship into a new era of strength, growth and unity.

- Dan Greer, Vice President (NCPO)


Dan is the lead pastor at Community Baptist Church in The Woodlands, Texas. He is on the team that initially launched the Evangelism and Home Missions Leg of the BBFI where he served for the first twenty-four months of it’s formation.